Sunday, September 23, 2012

Schoharie County Quilt Barn Trail

 Yesterday, September 22, 2012, the Autumnal Equinox, saw the installation of the first Quilt Barn Block in Schoharie County, NY!!  And it is on my barn!  Ginny Schaum started the local edition of the national movement of putting painted 8' x 8' quilt blocks on barns.  I quickly became a committee member (Sharon Aitchison is another committee member) and first volunteer to have a quilt block on a barn.

Because I am a crazy quilter and instructor, I had to have a crazy quilt block.  I have an extensive collection of Victorian crazy quilts and Victorian booklets about crazy quilting and embroidery.  Years ago, enamored of one particular drawn block in a booklet, I had to create it.

 Here is the drawing from the book.

The Victorians assumed you knew how to piece and embroider a block.  (If you don't know how, that's why I give lessons!!)  

This is my interpretation of the block.  All hand pieced and embroidered.
I thought this block would make a terrific Quilt Barn block.
The Schoharie Valley Piecemakers, the quilt guild to which I belong, donated money to purchase the sign-grade plywood.  Bill Schaum, Ginny's husband, put together the framing and plywood and primed it.

 Next, I drew the lines for the patches and started painting.

 Once the patches were painted, the florals and seam treatments were added.

The barn was red with white doors.  That wouldn't go with the new block!  For a few years, discussions had been had about painting the barn plum anyway.  Now seemed like a good time to do it!  So, the doors became Hunter Green and the body of the barn is Canadian Black Raspberry.  Did I mention the house is painted Rose with Wine and Buttercream trim and a Hunter Green roof?  I only got the front and one side done for this year.  Next year, I'll paint the rest!
 Then came installation day.  A tractor and Zach, Bill and Jules made the extremely heavy block and frame go up!
 And I think it looks fabulous!! 

There are already several more Quilt Barn Blocks in various stages in Schoharie County!!  We hope more will join in the fun.  When there are 40 or so barns with the quilt blocks, a pamphlet will be made so you can take a driving tour throughout the county, looking for the wonderful designs.  And maybe stop for a bite to eat along the route, shop, enjoy the gorgeous views and relish the country life. 

Check out SchoharieCounty Quilt Barn Trail on Facebook.  Facebook

My web page is here

1 comment:

  1. People DO need to visit your barn block in person, cuz she is SOME kind of purty in person!
