Sunday, July 1, 2012

Quilt Barn Trail

The amazing Ginny Schaum has started implementing a Quilt Barn Trail in Schoharie County, NY.  The Quilt Barn Trail is a national movement, started a few years ago, to paint quilt blocks onto 8' x 8' sheets of wood and install them onto barns.  Many states have these trails and you can google Quilt Barn Trail to see the hundreds of wonderful projects.  The idea is to drive the trail and see the quilt blocks and the barns.  This brings an appreciation for rural life to those who drive the trail.

I live in the hamlet of Huntersland, in Schoharie County.  Last August, the area was devastated by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee.  Ginny thought starting a trail here would help heal the community.  I agree!  So, the first quilt block in Schoharie County will be installed at my place.
Ginny's husband, Bill, has done a tremendous amount of work in assembling the sign-grade plywood and framing it and priming it, so I could start painting. 

Naturally, I wanted a crazy quilt block.  Had to be!!  I used an antique block design that I had in my collection of Victorian ephemera.  Many years ago, I embroidered (by hand, of course) this quilt block.  See the images above.  I decided this would be a lovely, if somewhat complex, design to paint for the Quilt Barn Trail.  I just finished applying the base coats of paint.  This coming week I will add the floral motifs and seam stitchery in paint.

If you would like to donate to this worthy cause...the wood, paint, framing, etc costs a few hundred dollars per block!  Go to  and message Sharon or Ginny there.  You could also order a mailbox cover to show your support!

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing quilt block. It must have taken hours to make the quilt and also to paint the wooden quilt block.
