Friday, April 20, 2012

Crazy Quilt Classes by Betty Pillsbury

I've got a new on-line class starting June 13!  Three Antique Motifs.  These are motifs from antique crazy quilts that I have used in my multi-award winning quilt, "Crazy Diamonds". 

You will learn to work with silk chenille embroidery thread, fashion a pansy from fabric, stitch a perfect blanket stitch (including corners and curves) and make a wired ribbon flower.  All work is by hand.  These motifs make a stunning addition to your crazy quilt or embroidery portfolio!  You will learn one motif a week.  Go to to register. Click on classes.

Don't forget my "take it anytime" class - Faux Pearls.  Also available at Maureen's.
Hope to see you soon!

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