This is our wonderful herbal study program! If you would like to pay using a credit card via PayPal, just email me at for details.
A Common Sense Approach to Incorporating Herbs Into Your Everyday Life
Many of us remember the time when grandmothers had the knowledge and skills to keep their families healthy through good nutrition and simple home remedies. The time has come again for us to recall that wisdom and incorporate it into our lives. Discover how easy it is to bring that genuine experience to your everyday life -- wrap your hands around a steaming mug of herbal tea; ease a headache with natural relief; or soothe your skin with an organic salve.
Through the
The focus of this program is to learn about herbs in a friendly, caring environment. Class size is limited to allow for meaningful interaction.
The curriculum includes, but is not limited to information on:
- Identification of cultivated and wild herbs
- Growing herbs organically and gathering wild herbs ethically
- Preserving the harvest
- Herbalism terminology
- Herbal tea blending
- Poultices, soaks and compresses
- Medicinal infused oils and vinegars
- Salves and creams
- Cooking with herbs
- Infusions and decoctions
- Tinctures
- Syrups
- Herbal first aid kit
- Materia medica
- Herbal strategies to improve your health
Class dates:
Sundays: April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, August 30 and September 20.
Class Times:
Students are expected to arrive on time, participate fully and remain for the entire class time.
Physical Requirements: Students should dress for the weather and be able to tolerate outdoor environments as herb walks will be held rain or shine, heat or cold. Proper foot wear is needed. Part of each day will be spent indoors.
Absences: Any student with more than one day’s absence will not receive a certificate of completion. No make up dates are provided. If we must reschedule a class, we’ll do our best to find a time convenient for all students. However, we reserve the right to make the final choice of dates. If a student cannot attend a rescheduled class, no refunds will be given; but upon request, we will issue a credit voucher for the value of the rescheduled class. The amount of the voucher may be applied to tuition fees of any future
Tuition: Tuition is $750. This works out to less than $18 per hour! A $150 non-refundable deposit is required with registration. The balance of $600 must be paid prior to the first day of class. Should a registered student not begin or complete the program for any reason,
Meals: Students should bring their own lunches. Herb teas and snacks will be served at no charge.
Supplies: A supply list and directions will be sent upon registration.
Call Betty at 518-827-8730 or email to register.
If I lived in your neck of the woods, I would be sorely tempted to sign on!