I'm working on a crazy quilt that will be composed of diamond shaped patches. It is based on an antique crazy quilt that I saw. It will be a combination of highly embellished crazy quilt patches and "whole" patches. Some of the whole patches will be velvet with chenille embroidery. Four of the patches will be these youths in costume. The youths are based on line drawings from Victorian booklets I have in my collection. There were no directions for making up the design, simply a line drawing. This allowed the imagination of the needleworker to take over and do whatever she felt best. In a few Victorian crazy quilts, I have seen figures that have been portrayed dimensionally. I decided to try my hand at that. So, the face was painted onto Peau du Soie fabric. Then, all the roses were embroidered with silk floss. Next, the costume was added. I think it turned out well. Now, to finish the other three youths.
The costuming on this is just beautiful. I can't wait to see some of the diamond blocks.
I'll post a few so you can get an idea of what I am making...
Wow and Double WOW Betty. I love your large ribbon flowers and your use of the thread that looks like chenille for the leaves. And I can't say enough wonderful things about your peacocks, since I'm working on a peacock quilt myself. I'm looking so forward to taking your classes in Wichita!
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