Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Hover of Dragonflies!

It is 7 degrees on this snow-covered, first full day of spring!  But, I am not despairing because a Hover of Dragonflies has appeared!  Okay, so I spent yesterday stitching them, but that's still magic, right? 

These dragonflies are beaded.  Some day I will do a sampler of embroidered ones.  I wanted to show ideas for dragonfly wings and bodies using beads I had on hand.  The large, dark dragonfly in the center has actual beetle wings for his wings, a glass face bead and crystals for its body.  The upper right dragonfly has natural pearl sticks for wings and AB crystals and spacers for the body.  I did add legs to that fellow.  It's fun to play.  And who knows, maybe I have invoked the spirit of spring and warmer weather will soon follow.

Saturday, April 20, 10-3:  Crazy Quilt Piecing By Hand.  Middleburgh, NY.  Learn to create the foundation for beautiful crazy quilts in this class.  Whether you are a complete beginner or already have skills, but have become frustrated with the art of crazy piecing, this class if for you!  I'll show you how I piece and think about layout.  No more painting yourself into a corner.  It's all by hand.  $50.  Bring your own lunch.  To sign up, Email  me

Sunday, April 21, 12-3: Drink to Your Good Health - Herbal Teas.  Middleburgh, NY.  Sample some lovely herbal teas and learn to grow them in your own garden.  In addition to being tasty, these teas have health benefits too.  $30.  To sign up, Email me


  1. They are beautiful! I always think of dragon-flies as a whimsical sort of thing. What a happy thought. We are only slightly warmer - okay maybe about 20* but it was 20 something in a sideways direction & it still doesn't feel much like spring.
