Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CQJP 2012

I am participating in the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012. This project is to bring heightened awareness to the art of crazy quilting. The idea is to make a small crazy quilt piece each month. Someone discussed having a word to represent what you desire in 2012. I chose the word, "Ease".

1. freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.

2. freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude; a quiet state of mind: to be at ease about one's health.

3. freedom from difficulty or great effort; facility: It can be done with ease.

4. freedom from financial need; plenty: a life of ease on a moderate income.

I decided to make a header, or valance of sorts, to begin the project. I embroidered the word ease and then added florals and fairies around. From this, my monthly crazy quilted pieces will hang. You'll have to stay tuned to see how this comes about!


  1. What a great idea to add your word for the year to the CQJP! I think I will add my word to mine as well.

  2. I love your ease piece and what you are doing (quilt journal). I am enrolled in a year long "vision" class and I could incorporate the quilt journal into that. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I am doing this project too. Will start mine today...with a little more ease having read your post.

    What a great made it seam so ease-y....xo Susan
