Friday, June 27, 2008

Pictures of the Garden

Paul's Himalayan Musk on the gothic arbor.

Daylilies and William Baffin rose.
Foxgloves, lupines, campanula and lamb's ears.

Borage. I will eat the flowers while working in the garden. I also have a white variety.

Apothecary Rose. Fragrant!

Yellow foxglove.

And the pink foxglove.
William Baffin roses near the birdhouses.


  1. Dear Betty,
    You show us very inspirational pictures!
    Thank you for sharing them.
    Regards from Madrid

  2. Love the foxglove. It's my favourite garden plant.

  3. Dear Betty,

    I finally have found a few minutes to check out your blog. The gardens are BEAUTIFUL!! I still have a way to go to recover the gardens here and get them looking as lovely as yours. But we're getting there!
