Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beaded Paisley or What I Do on Rainy Days

A friend, Margaret, and I have decided to stitch paisleys. We start with the same design and then we can use any surface design we desire. We keep it to ourselves until we are done. I got the line drawing for this paisley from Sharon Boggon's fabulous website, Go visit her site for embroidery inspiration! I decided to bead this paisley. I started off with the large oval rivoli in the center and used size 15 seed beads to form the frame around the crystal. Then, I added the crystal marguerites (given to me by Margaret!) Next came the seed beads and sequins. Then the leaves are done in small bugle beads for the stems and seed beads. The small paisley at the tip is outlined with size 11 and 15 seed beads. Then, some vintage crystals that Margaret found at Nicholas Kniel's fabulous ribbon shop in Atlanta. I'm pretty pleased with it! I'll post Margaret's work when she has finished.


  1. Dang! This is enough to make you wish it would keep raining!

  2. LOL. You should see me during a blizzard!

  3. Beading is so addictive. Love your combination of beads and sequins.

  4. Wow gorgeous paisley! I love doing these but haven't done one quite like this!
