Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crazy Quilts

I am a textile artist and instructor (in addition to all the herb stuff I do). I've been on Simply Quilts on HGTV demonstrating crazy quilting. Here is a sample of some of my work. All of my embroidery is by hand. Most construction (sewing seams) is by hand with long straight lines done on the machine. I love all the embellishment that goes with crazy quilts - embroidery, beading, etc. The first picture is of a heart done with cream embellishments on pink fabrics. The second is a fantasy landscape (which has been my passion lately). The third is "Homage to Ardelia". Ardelia was my great-grandmother who died before I was born. She was a quilter and an herb woman. Genetics, eh? This quilt has won many awards, including Judge's Choice at Threads of America and Best Needlework at the Vermont Quilt Festival.


  1. Oh, Betty! Those are beautiful. I'd love to work on a collaboration - or to donate a few floral beads to one of your creations!

  2. Maryanne, I can't wait to get working on the beautiful glass vessel you made me! Just as soon as some of the irons are out of the collective fire...

  3. Thanks for such large and detailed pictures. Love being able to see your stitching so up close and personal.
    I hope you'll post more of your fantasy landscape....they must combine both of your worlds so well...the garden environs and your crazy quilt skills....
    I love doing landscapes too, but mine are so dang literal!
